
The hot topic of the moment … Brexit!

As you probably already know, from the 1st of February of this year, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland have left the European Union. Until the 31st of December 2020, there will be a transition period during which the rights of British citizens and their families will be maintained and, once the transition period is over, on the 1st of January of 2021, the Withdrawal Agreement provides that some rights as residence, work, studies and Social Security will be maintained, provided that you have been living in Spain before that date.

However, from the 6th of July, British citizens and their relatives living in Spain will be able to request a residence document (the TIE card that we already mentioned).This card will prove your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement.

If you registered as a resident before 6 July 2020, you will have a green A4 certificate or credit card-sized piece of paper from Extranjeria or the police (the Nie card). This is still a valid document and will prove your rights under the Withdrawal Agreement, including after the transition period ends.

You can exchange your document for the new TIE but it is not mandatory. Anyway, the Spanish government advises that the new card is more durable and may simplify some administrative processes. That’s why they are suggesting to switch to it.

To request it, you have to make an appointment with the immigration office of the province where you live.

British citizens or relatives of British citizens arriving in Spain during the transition period may also benefit from the Withdrawal Agreement.

If you move to Spain after 31 December 2020, different immigration rules will apply. We will update this page when we will have more information.

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